The New Year is probably the most important
event in the Japanese calendar (on par with
Christmas in Australia) and it is a time when
the whole family get together.
TM obviously misses this very much, so we have
made our own tradition.
We have the customary soba noodles on New Year's Eve
(although chilled because it's too hot to have them warm).
This year we had NHK Tv, so TM was able to
watch the endless music program that everyone
typically watches in Japan on NY eve.
I have to admit, I have never been a fan of it,
but I actually got into it this year.
Elise kept up a dancing ritual in front of the TV.
TM managed to stay up till 2am (as Japan is 2 hrs behind
Oz), but I turned in after 12pm,
seeing as I am usually
the one on Elise and dog duty when they
wake up at random hours!
TM set up this little shrine on our dining room buffet
and has been presenting 'god' with little offerings
of sake and rice.
May it be an excellent year for everyone.