After much pleading on the part of Elise,
we headed to the Melbourne Zoo last weekend.
It was Elise's first time to visit the Zoo
and I have to say she was at the perfect age for it.
Elise has been to every kid's annimal farm
in Melbourne, but I had been waiting for her
to show an interest in going
to the zoo and am glad we waited.
Elise ran from exhibit to exhibit with a look of
pure joy and excitement on her face,
repeatedly asking "what's next?! what's next?!".
I have to say, her enthusiasm was charming.
After a great deal of walking, we managed to pursuade
elise to sit down for a rest
(... admittedly a bit of rainbow icypole bribery
did the trick!)
Elise's and my favourite exhibit - the giraffs
with their graceful long necks and Angelina Jolie lips.