Thursday, 22 December 2011

More of the Kinder Years - the End of Year Concert

Elise LOVES kinder, like you wouldn't believe.
It wasn't always like this, mind you.
We have had our fair share of guilt
as we dropped off a very upset Elise.
But that was all generally before we found
GUMNUT child care in Alphington.
I had been looking for a friendly
family-oriented kinder for Elise that
also offered day care, and third time
we were lucky.
Elise started here when she was 2
and has now just finished 3 year old kinder
(last day today).

They had their annual concert of chaotic
singing and dancing the other night,
and I had a front seat, so I got it all on
camera while Takamitsu puppy-sat at home
(see next blog!)

Here is a photo with two of her best friends,
Nicholas and Ruby (on either side of her).

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